Chances are that more up-to-date information is available at my software page at
This document only lists the software I am the principal author of instead of everything I have contributed to.
Frodo/MacOS is a macintosh port of Frodo, a Commodore 64 emulator, by Christian Bauer. Frodo was developed to reproduce the graphics of games and demos better than the existing C64 emulators. Frodo can display raster effects correctly that only result in a flickering mess with other emulators. In addition to the precise VIC emulation, Frodo features a processor-level 1541 emulation that is even able to handle about 50% of all fast loaders. There is also a faster 1541 emulation for four drives in .d64/x64 disk images, .t64/LYNX archives, or directories of the host system. Sound (SID) emulation is also provided. Frodo includes a single cycle emulator, Frodo SC, that has almost 100% compatibility at the expense of speed.Shareware, $10
Current Version - v4.1.5
Joyce/MacOS is a macintosh port of Joyce, an Amstrad PCW emulator, by John Elliott. As far as I know, Joyce is currently the only Amstrad PCW emulator available on any platform. You will need to locate a start-of-the-day disk to get this emulator beyond the title screen. Shareware, $10
Current Version - v1.1.2b2
vMac is a Macintosh Plus Emulator. Many people wonder why on earth you would want to emulate a Macintosh...on a Macintosh. The answer is a simple one. There is a large range of old software that will not run on current Macintosh models at all. A few of the more popular programs include "Beyond Dark Castle", "The Fools Errand", and "][ in a Mac", all programs which will run under vMac.Freeware
Current Version - v0.1.9
xNES is a Nintendo Entertainment System Emulator. At present it is rather limited compared to some of the NES emulators available, but progress is steady; xNES 0.4.0 has significantly improved compatibility over previous releases. xNES has now been assimilated into a new NES emulator which is currently under development. Freeware
Current Version - v0.4.0
MO5/MacOS is a port of Gilles Fetis' excellent Thomson MO5 emulator for DOS, Marcel O Cinq. The Thomson MO5 was a computer predominantly used in France, and for this reason the software is almost uniformally in French. The emulator uses an AZERTY keyboard layout just like the original computer. Also, the emulator interface can be quickly toggled between English and French. Freeware
Oric/MacOS is a Oric 1 and Oric Atmos emulator. Fabrice Frances originally gave me the source code to Euphorix, a stripped down version of his emulator Euphoric for MS-DOS which had been rewritten in C. After he saw the Mac port he decided to convert the MS-DOS sound code to C so that it could be used in the Mac port. The sound in Oric/MacOS is still preliminary, but it is certainly recognisable. The manual is included in both French and English. Freeware
Current Version - v1.0.1
TO8/MacOS is a TO8 emulator under development by Gilles Fetis with the Mac port by me. The emulator is currently alpha-quality software, but it does run a few programs. The manual is included in both French and English. Freeware
Current Version - v0.2
Space Debris
Space Debris is a clone of the classic game Crystal Quest by Patrick Buckland. It features very similar gameplay with larger sprites and 640x480 play. The game idea is simple: move your ship around the screen grabbing the glowing crystals, and escape through the gateway at the bottom of the screen, at the same time avoiding being hit by any of the enemies that may appear. Scattered around the screens you will also find Mines, which must be avoided at all costs. Shareware, $25
Current Version - v2.1.1
Star Chaos
Modelled closely on Operation Intercept by DGS, Star Chaos is a Space Invaders Game where the emphasis is on raw Speed rather than on beautiful graphics. Star Chaos features 60 frame-per-second animation and PowerPC native code for that extra speed boost, although it works just fine on 68040 Macs too. This game features 60 levels of non-stop action, should you get that far.Shareware, $25
Current Version - v2.0.1
Zap'T'Balls II
The idea behind Zap'T'Balls is a simple one. You must shoot your light beams at the balls bouncing around the screen. When your beam hits a large ball, it bursts releasing two medium balls. When it hits a medium ball, it bursts releasing two small balls. When it hits a small ball, it disappears. You must avoid being hit by a ball yourself, as it will burst releasing concentrated acid that most of the time kills you instantly. Zap'T'Balls is based on Pang, a great game that was never released for MacOS. The name comes from an Amstrad CPC game that may well have been written for the same reason. Zap'T'Balls features photo-realistic backdrops and a 16-bit graphics plug-in is also available.
Shareware, $25
Current Version - v1.0
Smashing Windows II
Smashing Windows was the first program that I ever wrote in C. It was a simplistic and not terribly exciting game where the principal objective was to bash the evil windows. Recently it was brought to my attention that the last released version of Smashing Windows, v5.5, carried a message saying that a PPC version was under development. Well, it wasn't. However, I decided to convert the program to PowerPC and during the conversion I found so many bugs that I decided to make a major new release. It just shows you what you learn with a few years of programming experience!. Freeware
Current Version - v1.0
ZapResForks is a quick drag & drop utility for deleting the resource fork from files. It is most useful for shrinking SimpleText files which have no font/style information in them. Shareware, $5
Current Version - v1.0.2
MacBean is a colour image-editing program that I am currently developing. The current release is most definitely beta software, but it works - and I have lots of enhancements for MacBean in the pipeline. Shareware, $10